Sunday 26 February 2012

Declaration to the World - Turning 50 is not that painful!!!

I woke up this morning not sure how I would feel but can report that there do not appear to be any major changes.  Even after watching the rubbish sprouted by Julia and Kevin during the Leadership battle I refrained from slipping into "Grumpy Old Man" mode and just laughed it off.  I did not have to put glasses on to read, put a hearing aid in to improve my hearing, use a cane or wheelchair and while many of you may recommend the Grecian 2000 found that there was still enough hair to cover most of my head.  In fact the only side effect appears to be an increase in lame jokes about old age from those who are rapidly reaching the same milestone.

Jene was up early cracking many of the same one-liners but the joke is on her because  I wont be the one sleeping with a 50 year old tonight!!!

P.S Only 120 months to retirement


Monday 20 February 2012

The countdown continues

So last week the washing machine hose decided to fly off the tap and drench everything in site including the electronic panel of the machine. Who needs to buy or repair a machine just before they go to Europe, that is my shopping money!! Thankfully it can be fixed at a cheaper cost than buying a new one. Scott introduced Brendan to the laundrette so he knows what to do for his mission lol. At least the clothes are clean and dry.

Today Scott picked up our passports, visas, itinerary and travel tickets. This means that we are nearly there. Can't believe it has come around so quickly. Scott is already on leave and I have 9 working days to go. And since I am such a caring sharing person I tell anyone who asks (not rubbing it I at all!!). Also the gladiator school is all booked for Scott and Jared. Yes there will be plenty of photos for you all to enjoy!!

On top of all this I have to keep reminding myself that it is also scottie to hotties birthday and to organise dinner for him - just a minor detail. Plus we have The opportunity to be part of a wonderful families special day, being part of one our beautiful YSA girls special days as she continues to prepare to go on her mission and be a part of Jaydens missionary farewell and then he is off to Poland for the next 2 years. Not busy at all but wouldnt have it any other way.

Just need to start shopping for the family treats and have to make sure that we have enough room in our cases for shopping in Beijing.

Anyway will keep you all up to date with our preparations.

Happy dawdling


Saturday 11 February 2012

Worldwide 50th Birthday Celebration Begins

As the Queen is travelling around Britain celebrating her 60th Anniversary in her role as  Monarch I too have commenced the worldwide celebration of my 50th year.  This week I flew down to Melbourne to spend time with Mum and Dad, my sister Michelle and the extended family.  Having been born in Melbourne it was appropriate to start the tour with those responsible for giving me life and providing the foundation for who I am today.

Spending time with my parents, who are now in their mid 70's, also helped me appreciate the importance of my 'road to retirement' plans.  While there Dad, I and my nephew Sharif replaced the gutters and downpipes on the front of the house.  We were supposed to be there as labourers under Dad's supervision but he spent more time up the ladder than we did.  This week he also took on short term employment as a school bus driver.  My Mum badly injured her foot when young and was told that she would be in a wheelchair by 20 is still getting around without aids and has just started a Uni course in Creative Writing and teaching genealogy.  It will be hard work to be as active in my retirement as they currently are so more work is needed on my plan.

Look forward to sharing time with all the Duffus Dawdle followers over the next couple of months as you celebrate knowing me during my special year.


Saturday 4 February 2012

Road to Retirement - Through the Gate

In addition to our travels I will be sharing with you my journey towards retirement that will occur in 121 months (or just over ten years).   I have determined that before I reach retirement there are things that I need to be involved in so that I am not hanging around the house annoying Jene or listening to talk back radio becoming grumpier than I already am.

Today I went to a Volunteers Information session at Taronga Zoo to find out how to get involved.  They are looking for people to commit one day a fortnight for a minimum of twelve months to act as guides and other customer service or you can apply to work with one of the animal units.  I was planning to start straight away but training will be held while we are away.  The next applications will be listed in August so I will apply then. 

I thought that I might be able to apply for a nine day fortnight at work so my day at the zoo  wouldn't clash with weekends but Jen said no.  I told her that if you are going to take retirement seriously then cutting work hours is an important part of the plan.  She still wasn't interested.  (I will keep working on it).

You might ask what Jen's plans for retirement are - she will tell you she has no intentions to retire while I am at home everyday.  Suits me as we need someone bringing the money in.